Author: cykloRADKA Updated: 27.12.2007
Links to Czech website for cyclists - information & news website for all the people interested in cycling and cyloturism - bikemaps, guides, tips for trips and also information about biketransport in some european cities. Whole website is in Czech language, but you can find accomodation for cyclists in English or German language.
Cyklisté vítáni (Cyclists welcome) - all about accomodation, restaurants and the other objects with valid certification Cyklisté vítáni (Cyclists welcome) that gives pleasant stay of cyclists and thein bikes. Website is published in Czech, English and German language.
Moravské vinařské stezky (Moravan Wine Trails) - information about Moravian Wine Trails - details about trails, local sights, wineculture, accomodation, restaurants and local events. Website is published in Czech, English, German and Polish language.
Cykloserver - bikemaps, bikeatlas and accomodation. Website is published in Czech language only.
Strategic cycling documents
National Cycling Strategy in the Czech Republic http://www.cyklostrategie.eng/ - After four years of demanding preparation works, the Czech Republic can say: "Through the final governmental resolution n. 678, issued on 7th July 2004, the Czech cycling development strategy was fully approved". Czech National Cycling Stategy was prepared by Cycling and Walking Section of Transport Research Centre. Website is published in Czech and English language.
Weather forecast of Czech TV - posibility to replay TV weather forecast from Czech TV archive. Click on „Předpověď počasí" in right column and then find right date of TV wheather forecast.
Public transport connection
IDOS timetable - posibility to find bus, train or the other connection. Website is published in Czech, German and English.
SEZNAM maps - if you click on „Turistická" in left upper side of the map and then mark off „Cyklostezky" you can find the places (write the name of city or village into the frame above the map) in Czech Republic in tourist map with violet mark out bike routes. Website is published in Czech only.